The history of batik in Indonesia is linked with the development of the Majapahit kingdom and the spread of Islam in the Land of Java. In some records, the development of batik is mostly done in times of job Mataram, then in the kingdom of Solo and Yogyakarta.
So the art of batik in Indonesia has been known since the days of work and continues to evolve to the Majapahit kingdom and subsequent kings. The start spreading this batik art belongs to the people of Indonesia and Java in particular tribe is after the end of the 18th century or early 19th century. Produced batik batik is all up to the beginning of the 20th century and printed batik is known only after World War I depleted or about 1920. The connection with the spread of Islam, many areas of batik centers on Java are regions Batik students and then became a tool of economic struggle by figures Muslim traders against the Dutch economy.
Age spread of Islam
History of batik in other areas of East Java is in Ponorogo, whose story is related to the spread of Islam in this area. Batik art history Ponorogo areas closely related to the development of Islamic religion and the kingdom first. That said, in Batoro Katong area, there is a descendant of the Majapahit empire whose name is the younger brother of Prince Raden Patah Katong. Batoro Katong is what brought Islam to the Ponorogo and petilasan that there now is a mosque in the area Patihan Wetan.
Selanjutanya developments, in Ponorogo, in Tegalsari there is a boarding school that nurtured Kyai Hasan Basri, known as the Great Tegalsari Kyai. Tegalsari pesantren is in addition to teaching the religion of Islam also teaches administrative sciences, sciences and literature of war. A pupil of the famous from the literary field is Raden Tegalsari Ronggowarsito. Kyai Hasan Basri was taken into law by the king of Kraton Solo.
Batik art at that time confined within the palace. Therefore Solo princess palace became the wife of Kyai Hasan Basri Tegalsari and then brought into-accompaniment followed by a retinue. In addition, many royal families Solo studying in these schools. The events that brought the art of batik out of the palace to the Ponorogo. Young people who are educated in this Tegalsari when it came out, the community will donate dharma batik in fields kepamongan and religion.
Long batik area that we're seeing today is the area that is Kepatihan Wetan Kauman now and from here spread to the villages Ronowijoyo, Mangunsuman, Kertosari, Setono, Cokromenggalan, Duchy, Nologaten, Bangunsari, Cekok, Banyudono and Ngunut. At that time, the drugs used in batik is made in the country itself from various woods such as: tom tree, noni, high wood. While the material is also wearing the white cloth of woven carrying homemade. New imports of white cloth known in Indonesia about the end of the 19th century.
Batik developments in other cities
The development of batik in Banyumas centered in the area Sokaraja taken by followers of Prince Diponegero after the completion of the war in 1830. They mostly settled in the area Banyumas. His followers are known at the time was Najendra and he developed a batik dye in Sokaraja. Materials used mori homespun results and drugs used dye tom tree, trees, and Noni pace that gives the red color of yellow artificiality.
Eventually batik spreads on Sokaraja people and at the end of the 19th century is directly related to the batik in Solo and Ponorogo. Areas of batik in Banyumas been known since before the motif and color in particular and is now called batik Banyumas. After the world war started batik unity also done by China in addition to their trade batik material. .
Similar to batik in Pekalongan, the followers of Prince Diponegoro who settled in this area then develop sekitara batik business in this coastal area, namely in regions other than their own Pekalongan batik is growing rapidly in Buawaran, Pekajangan and Wonopringgo. The existence of batik in these areas almost simultaneously with other areas of batik which is about the 19th century. The development of batik in the outer regions apart from Yogyakarta and Solo is closely connected with the historical development of the kingdom of Yogya and Solo
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